Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dear President of the United States of America,
  Today I write to you with swift fingers because my internet is about to be shut off. Today I write to you with great conviction and strength because I feel none in my daily life. Today I write to you on behalf of all the rest of us who are so fed up with the way the world works and how we can not truly make a change. I write on behalf of all of the Americans who work their behinds off daily at jobs they don't like to be at because the pitiful amount of money we call minimum wage is the only thing putting food in their bellies. Today I write because I am fed up. I am tired, because I watch over my own four year old and my sister-in-laws four year old. I am hungry because the best we could do for dinner last night was to open two large cans of tomato juice and boil a bag of shell noodles, drain the water and add the tomato juice and there you have it... 'spaghetti soup' so named because it used to be made with spaghetti noodles instead and served to my husband by his own struggling parents in the 1980's. Today we ate the last of it for lunch and it still didn't fill our bellies enough. Today I am completely emotionally exhausted from talking on my home phone to the power company, pleading with them to take some sort of payment and please don't turn our power off. Today I am tired of being an educated white woman who can not afford daycare for my child because I am choosing not to be a single parent but rather a family unit with my husband. If I was a single mother, I might be able to get $.150.00 in food stamps for an entire month because I am a working woman instead of a non working woman. However, I could get more money if I didn't work but I would have to continually go on interviews and try to get work. If I was a single mom, I could request that I get child support from my children's father even though he already has to pay $430 every month to the woman with whom he got pregnant while we were separated. If I was to get a child support payment every month that might be helpful. Unfortunately it wouldn't work that way, we are barely able to pay for food, gas, electric, gas for the car, internet and home phone. We are barely able to pay for school cloths for the one child we have in school. Today the power guy came to shut off the power and the gas has already been shut off for two weeks, we are facing an eviction notice and we are hungry. My husband works, everyday. We don't have vices to speak of. We can pass drug and background checks. We are not criminals, though we are tempted to be everyday with the prices of everything. How is it, that we can be honorable, decent, hard working citizens of the United States, yet there is no help for us. We are expected to work everyday, pay bills on time, afford cable TV (which we do with out) how can I compete with the amount of commercials that are on there telling my family we need this and that when we can not even afford hot water any more, come home and be part of a family together then go to sleep happy... when that is far, far, far from the truth.
Everyday I walk my son to school, with my and my sister-in-law's 4 year old. I do not have a car. We walk in the rain, snow, and sunshine. I can not afford school lunch because my husband works and makes too much money. Yet we do not have enough money to buy lunches for my son.. What I am able to give him is a  peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a Tupperware container shaped like a sandwich, some cool-aid or water in a reusable cup and sometimes a plastic baggie with chips or veggies if we have them.
What I am able to afford is shopping at the salvation army or good will. I am able to boil water and fill a portable shower for camping up so we can take a hot shower every couple of days. I can boil water to wash my dishes.
What I am getting at, is that the world is expensive,how did it get that way? The dollar was made up. Out of nothing! It's a made up currency and immediately we became in debt. That's preposterous, you know? To be in debt over an invisible boundary...
What I'm getting at is that the meat in our supermarkets is coming from tainted slaughter houses, the beef is raised in extremely inhumane conditions and fed unforgettable amounts of corn... and water. Not really enough to sustain proper nutrition. Now when our diet consists of tainted meats that means we aren't getting the proper nutrition we deserve. When the amount of gas is so high that it rises the prices of produce, we are more apt to create and harvest our own vegetable gardens. When water is so expensive, we are apt to harvest rain water... but did you know it was AGAINST the law to do so? How ridiculous is that? Free water from the sky, and you, the government is going to deny me that? Do you see how absolutely absurd the United States is acting towards its people? The people who founded this country on the beliefs that they would have a better life, free from the tyranny of a dictatorship, one in which they would have a say in what was right. I don't like the way America is being ran, I don't believe in having a voting system in which your vote only counts if your ID matches where you actually are living. I don't think that I should leave my opinion with a representative who doesn't actually feel the way I do about the same situations. Can we please go to a bartering system and stop charging money for things such as water, which should be free...? Is there any way that we can look upon some of these other countries such as Greece, for an example of how we could be helping one another instead of hindering each other?
Can we please start helping one another and allowing debt and money to disappear?